Simplify EMV Projects

A ready-to-certify EMV Level 2 stack, with all the tooling to develop, compile, test, qualify, and maintain EMV payment acceptance solutions. 

a source-available EMV Level 2 framework

Accelerate Level 2 development, debugging, testing and certification cycles
for in-store payment acceptance solutions.

Full Control and Flexibility

Reduce technical/vendor dependencies and simplify troubleshooting with a source-available license.

Built-in EMV L2 Expertise

Always up to date with the latest kernel specifications and test plans reducing the need for deep Level 2 expertise. Fully compliant with EMVCo Entry Point specifications.

Develop for Certification

De-risk and accelerate the certification processes with pre-built, ready-to-certify kernels and automated testing tools.

Download a Ready to Certify Codebase

Baseline projects from a code source that is constantly up-to-date against test plans and kernels specifications

Pre-built and Pre-certified Kernels

Focus on core payment application development and integrate L2 through a normalized APIs.  

Source Code Available

Full control over your codebase. Make customizations and adapt the framework to specific needs.

Accelerate pre-certification with automated tests

Reduce the need for manual testing by integrating EMV tests earlier into CI/CD workflows.

Automated regression testing

Automate regression testing for every code commit to ensure readiness for certification.

Integrated test plans

Integrate test plans for all supported payment networks reduce risks and save time.

gradient blob

Develop, Debug and Replay on a Virtual Environment

Develop kernels on a virtual platform and accelerate debugging, testing and pre-certification.

Reduce hardware dependencies

Simulate terminal environments and develop and debug L2 without hardware

Rapid issue resolution

Replay transactions and debug with actionable logs that map directly to EMV specifications.

What they say about

gradient blob

"Our team was able to integrate switstack moka quickly. It allowed us to focus on our payment application without worrying about Level 2." 

Level 2 Developer
Payment Service Provider
Enterprise Logo - Codely X Webflow Template

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit semper dalar elementum tempus hac tellus libero accumsan drakong mopder dilmoden. “

Milly Adams - Codely X Webflow Template
Milly Adams
Product Lead at Enterprise
Company Logo - Codely X Webflow Template

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit semper dalar elementum tempus hac tellus libero accumsan drakong mopder dilmoden. “

Anne Smith - Codely X Webflow Template
Anne Smith
Developer at Company

Why Teams love switstack moka

AI Code - Codely X Webflow Template

Empower Developers

Adopt EMV Level 2 technology without requiring deep expertise.

Over 50 Languages - Codely X Webflow Template

Remote Collaboration

Develop and test EMV L2 applications without investing in physical testing equipment such as probes, robots or other tools.

Faster Time-to-Market

Accelerate development and certification with pre-certified kernels, automated testing and virtual environments.

Real Time Coding - Codely X Webflow Template

Reduce Costs

Save time and expense by minimizing time in the lab and reducing the need for testing tool licenses.

Code Debugger - Codely X Webflow Template

Minimize Risks

Ensure compliance and certification readiness with pre-certified code and built-in testing and tools.

Granular Permissions - Codely X Webflow Template


Customize and update applications while maintaining certification confidence—no black box, no dependencies.

gradient blob

How it compares

See how moka compares to building and maintaining a home grown EMV L2 project

Ready to certify code
Built-in Security
EMV Test automation framework
Virtual Development Environment
Number of users
implement specifications
from scratch
Language integrations
Code debugger
Granular permissions

Get Started

Signup for a 90 day trial license for full access to the git account with EMV CI, full switstack moka framework with Entry Point, message broker and mastercard kernel.